Wednesday, February 28, 2007

I'm studying for my test tomorrow. I really can't spell to save my life. Sigh...

Posted by NuhC at 1:46 AM

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Monday, February 26, 2007

Went for my second consultation at the TCM Clinic today. It was one hell of a scary one. The sinseh put in 5 accupunture needles in my feet and ankle and then baked it for about 15minutes. Then, all hell broke loose when the fellow started to tui-na for me. Pain like hell, it's supposed to realign the ligaments and help the swelling to go off. Just hope it'll recover soon. Like really soon...

Posted by NuhC at 10:34 PM

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Sunday, February 25, 2007

What a long day I was. My choice of drink at supper at the HK Cafe with Jeremy and Elaine was damn wrong. Sigh, the yuan yang, didn't taste good at all, but the freaking caffeine content was so damn high! I was kept awake until 5am! Sigh...

Woke up and dragged myself to darling's place. Was invited to join her maternal family gathering. Then, took another trip to Sengkang, my aunty's place. There I play mahjong and gambled in some other card games, lost some money, but heng all were my mom's winnings. Sigh... my luck's still REALLY bad. Hope this bad luck spell will passsss soooon.....

Posted by NuhC at 10:55 PM

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Hi everyone, Jeremy's leaving later this morning. He's going back to Perth to pursue his studies. Oh my friend, bon voyage... See you in June.

We've started a new little venture too. Here it is

It's just started up, so there's a really small book collection now. Give us time, we'll grow it.

Posted by NuhC at 3:47 AM

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Friday, February 23, 2007

As some of my dear friends would've heard. I've been running a really nasty bad luck spell. On the second last night of the year of the dog, I won in mahjong. And for then on, I've been losing like shit. Then, there was this ridiculous-non logical-never should've happened fall while blading that caused this sprain I have on my ankle now.

The ankle is really painful and I went over to Kwang Hui Zhao Hospital's Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Centre to get it fixed. I know I'm trained in Western Medicine ideas, but hey, I'm Chinese. And to think of it, when the Chinese started practising TCM 5000 years ago, the Western dudes were still running around naked!

First thing the sinseh did was prick in 3 accupunture needles onto my right wrist region. I was like huh? Left ankle sprain, poke right hand. Then, he made me stand up and walk, the normal way! And Waaaaa Laaaa!!! I could freaking walk and the pain was gone! Amazing!

Then, in all physiotherapy style, he asked me to walk around the corridor for fifteen minutes, stopping every few steps to dorsiflex then plantar flex, then invert then evert. (Basically, rotate the ankle). Still, very very mild pain. He said that the exercise could loosen the "jing1" (ligaments) for him to manipulate later.

In 15 mins, I went back into the room, and he rubbed and manipulated my ankle, it was a little painful, but bearable, the effects of accupunture was still there. Next, he put this black "muddy" thing on my ankle and wrapped it up. And I was prescribed this black solution. Eeeewwww....

Anyway, that's my first TCM experience. So far, so good... I can already exert on my ankle, with bearable pain, it's drastically better than the hopping around yesterday.

Oh yeah, about 10 minutes after the needles were removed, the pain came back, I really don't doubt the analgesic efficacy of accupunture now...


Posted by NuhC at 4:32 PM

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Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Happy Chinese New Year ALL. Gong Xi Fa Cai!

It's my year again. Sigh, second cycle le. So scary. There's been this irritating swelling in my eye since last Friday. Sucks man. Don't know why it's not resolving itself. I don't want to see doctor. Waste money......................

The gambling's been bad too. I keep losing and losing and losing. Sigh... I think I'm going to strike TOTO soon. I just know it... All the latent good luck needs to have an outlet! $1.5 million, here I come!

Huat AH!!!!!

Posted by NuhC at 4:28 PM

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Sunday, February 11, 2007


That's the number of hours of student attachments I've had through this 3 years of education in radiography. It's a REALLY scary amount of time. And I've finally finished it. It's so so so special to me. It's like a milestone in my life. Also, it feels so fast, in year 1, I desire to be a qualified radiographer. Now, at the end of year 3, I desire to continue being a carefree student. On Friday, as happy as I felt, I kept having flashbacks of my life as a radiography student, my first Clinical Supervisor was the great and amazing, father-of-all-father skull radiographers MR Ng. H, W. My first ever x-ray on a real person was a hand x-ray of this aunty. I thought of the first time I saw a "scotty dog" on an oblique lumbar projection, the times I first wore a mask and gloves to handle patients. Mr Dhas at TBC, the first time I pushed a film thru in a darkroom was also in TBC, all these memories... My goodness, time has flew past me in such haste. Sigh, in 4 months, I'll be a full-fledged work adult professional.

Posted by NuhC at 3:09 PM

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Saturday, February 03, 2007

Now that I have Adsense, maybe i should blog more often to get back readers. I'm severely overweiht once again. I'm really sad actually, but sigh... Blame myself loh. I went blading even though I was tired and like forced myself to exercise. Blading is still damn fun for me. Just that with the lack of mental concentration, I had 3 falls. Not too nasty falls, just that I didn't break one of the falls properly and the shock was transfered to my freaking shoulder joint. Thanks goodness it's not swollen, but I'm pretty sure that there's a little tear somewhere or strain. Since it's not swollen, it's prob not too nasty an injury. But it's still causing me pain. Sigh... pain...

Finally had my Changi Village hor fun yesterday, it's prob as good as i can remember it, only that I only have about 20% of my sense of smell. My adenoids are getting really swollen, with is a bitch. It's blocking the smells from reach my olfactory nerves. I so need an adenoectomy. So that's a new thing on the "I need to save money for..." list...

Posted by NuhC at 6:06 PM

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Friday, February 02, 2007

newerer skin! so greenish.. I like... Haha. Having fun at A n E. So exciting... So many uncertainties...

Posted by NuhC at 12:32 AM

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