Monday, January 30, 2006
Just finished mahjong. Alvin can be such a fucker at the mahjong table. The way he stalls the game for like damn long....... And the way he scolds people for stalling, even when I was not. I just raised my voice at him. Bloody idiot.
Anyway, I love mahjong, it's a great game, but some people just take things too seriously and miss out on the fun. Pity...
Hope to play more fun mahjong in the days to come. Really really hope...
Saturday, January 28, 2006
Year of the Dog!!!
No bitching please.......
And i'm gonna get rich!!
Friday, January 27, 2006
Ah... What the hell...
Went over to darling's place. Wanted to study her 48 dollar book. Well, that book isn't the best book but aiyah, not too bad loh. Mr Chin's quizes are always so difficult, sigh... The low resolution slices don't help much actually. sigh... I cannot swim, so don't complain swimming pool not deep enough. Going to look through the 98 dollar book later. I prefer the 98 dollar book. More details, the names somehow seem more chheeeemmmmm.... Inferior caval vein, so cool rite? Instead of inferior vena cava. Not the point.
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
Jessie and I were sitting at Food Junction this afternoon waiting for the rest of the gang to come down. We started discussing about how much we can't stand people who don't pick up their phones and having to enter their voice mailboxes.
We both thought that we should call 1633, 1626 or what. "Hi, this is XXXXXXX XXXX, I would like to cancel my mobile line. Well, I don't pick up my calls, neither do I reply smses. So yeah, I figured that I don't need my line and I should just cancel it. Thanks."
Well, such coincidnce that we both cannot stand our other half for that habit. Duurrrrrr............
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
Hmmm freaking sick. First time for the year. Hopefully this will be a short one. Think the lack of sleep and weather is causing my systems to screw up a little.
Attended the first salsa lesson yesterday, so fun.
Yesterday's quiz was very interesting, there was thinking, linking up of information and "previous semester's" knowledge to be brought in. This change brought in by our ex-ang moh lecturer moved things away from the memorize and regurgitate and forget system commonly practiced in Singapore. Mind stimulating and not so dead. Can't wait for my freedom to get out of this country to get an overseas education, sigh... This freedom will only come when I'm 27, loooong way to go...
Sunday, January 22, 2006
To everyone out there who's having problems in their lives, here's something my dear ol- friend wrote on his blog. Wise man, he is...
"remember these and u'll be fine
1. Life sucks
2. Life ain't fair
3. Shit Happens
anything can be attibuted to one of the above..definitely.....but just has a way of carrying on....and hey whatever happens happens man....che(spelling error noted, supposed to be "que") sera sera and deal with it...
yeah that was a rant wasn't it...theraputic"
Source: Jeremy T. W. L. (2006)
Sunday! Which means tmr is monday. Had a pretty good weekend of slacking. Stayed home all day today except for my long long route run. Took the long way to Tan Tock Seng just now. Very siong, didn't finish the route extension i planned cos it was just too siong and I've lost my conditioning liao. Going to run more in the following period of time. I want to pass my Nafa test for once in my pathetic existance. Going to work hard, hope I'll stick to it this time round.
Saturday, January 21, 2006
Chi Fan Le!
I've finally tried the McDonald's Fan-tastic burger. And it was Fantastic!!! Really good stuff there. The rice was seasoned with soya sause and a tinge of mushroom flavour. the chicken was juciy and tender. And the vegetables were simply great! The use of seasame oil in this burger is a bold move made by the highly Ang Moh McDonalds, really localized the overall flavour alot and I'm Lovin It! Will definately go for another round, or make that more Rounds!
Yup, i've heard many ppl telling me the the Fan-tastic Burger sucks. However, me being me, I heck care and went ahead. And I'm so glad I didn't listen, it's my favorite burger now.
Friday, January 20, 2006
When the day starts off too well for me, I know it's going to be a bad day.
I woke up kind of later the usual, leaving me with about 25 minutes to step out of the house from bed. I steamed my zhu chang fen and baos and took my morning shower. Changed and ate my stuff with my coffee. Left house like 10 mins late. Somehow, once i started going down the overhead bridge, my bus arrived and I just took a few more quick steps to board the bus 130 which i usually have to wait like shit. Then, miraculously, I as I reached my transfer stop, for 851, 851 just nicely called at the bus stop instead of zooming past without stopping (which they usually do). I would usually take 851 to Opposite yio chu kang Mrt and walk into school, but bus 13 would actually turn into the interchange which was like about a 150metres less of walking. However, it's damn hard to wait for a 13 transfer. Somehow, with all the best luck in the world, 13 was just nicely at the junction as 851 zoomed past, so i pressed the bell and alighted. Upon hopping on 13, I saw Steph and Xiups, wah, so heng got nice ppl to take bus with. And then! Poof! Prissy was there too! Yet another nice friend. With that super smooth and pleasant journey, I actually reached school early and had time to go toilet, drink water and chat with liping a little. Felt so happy about the nice morning... But little did I know, that I've already spent all of my good luck for the day...
For those who don't know about the 7 Ancient Wonders of the World, Here it is...
1.The Great Pyramid of Giza
2.The Hanging Gardens of Babylon
3.The Statue of Zeus at Olympia
4.The Temple of Artemis at Ephesus
5.The Mausoleum at Halicarnassus
6.The Colossus of Rhodes
7.The Lighthouse of Alexandria
Follow this URL to read more. I don't want to make it a link lazy to type in the keys.
Thursday, January 19, 2006
Got my clinical placement for the coming block.
So now I know that it's inevitable that all girls think alot into their clinical placements. Where they're going, how the staff at the place is like, what kind of cases turn up there, whether they can finish their cases, who they're going with, that the person she's placed with is a hopeless bastard/bitch, that the radiographers at the place they're posted in are crazy. A girl actually highlighted the names of everyone going to the same places with her. Pretty amazing to me.
Well, I guess this is really how every girl out there operates. However, I usually don't worry much about my placements. I don't even think so much about whether i can finish my cases. Even if I'm placed with the biggest moron around, I'll keep it professional, do my work and leave the rest alone. To me, clinical attachment feels as close to the real world as it. Whereever you go, there'll be nice people, there'll be nasty ppl. Why bother so much about such things? Why stress myself out about something's that's going to happen in the FUTURE and waste the time i have NOW (on something truely hypothetical). Sigh... Well, there have been many people who were described as nasty who to me felt ok. Of cos, there are "nice" ppl who turn out totally nasty. There's no way I can decide wat others want to do for their own selfish reasons, wat they do to me. Even if when I pass out, even if I can choose the hospital to work in, I can't choose who'll work the same shifts or wat, correct? Life's like that, live it, or kill yourself... Well, the above is truely wat i feel, I'm not imposing it on any of you. I'm not even saying that people who think this way are wrong. Just MY feelings, no offences...
Girls, just carry on with wat you're doing, if you want to ask me questions about the above, you can seriously forget about getting a clear answer from me, experience it yourself, then we discuss. :)
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
Ok, I'm finally back from the shortly long day.
Went for my haircut today! Finally! Looks nice but a little off the way I hope it'll look. but doesn't matter. It's ok looking.
After a grueling 4 hours at the salon, I waited for darling's stuff to be done, after being 25 dollars poorer, I went to jeremy's place for mahjong. Picked up porridge for supper for all of us. Won like 2 bucks, sianz...
After the game, darling and I cheonged to NTUC to grab groceries for her baking session tmr. She's baking cornflake cookies!!! Then, I took 21 with her all the way to her place (Jeremy's place is further than TTSH) and then 21 ALLLLLLLL THEEEE WAYYYY baCK (My home nearer than TTSH, thank goodness). Well, the story goes, i'm got super hungry on the ride home. Like REALLY hungry, I could hear my stomach. As the bus zoomed down the Geylang stretch, Zheng Wen Ji Pig Organ Soup (Yummy...), Rochor Bean Curd (MMMmmmmm...) Then there was No Signboard Seafood, then there was St 29 prawn mee, then there was ren ren da xia mian, and all the teochew porridges, then there was You Tiao King, then there was Frong porridge. OMFG! So damn hungry can?? I was salivating away. but I told myself I can't catch the last bus if I got off. Then... the ride just continued and I hit Lavendar Food sq, aarghhh... good food again, really salivating and my tummy was rumbling. Oh man, I could walk home from there, but no, I didn't get off. I past the main outlet of ren ren da xia mian, damn... Didn't get off... Then the ultimate, Scissors Curry Rice. Oh man... The diners were like 3 metres away from me through the glass. I was already going to stand up to get off and walk home after eating. But still, I couldn't summon enough effort to stand up and alight the damn bus to eat my curry rice. So yah, now I'm here, eating cup noodle. Plus point, I didn't spend a cent. Minus, I feel soooo lousy now.
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
These few days have been quite a big chore for me. Well, at least one thing's off my mind. I've finally offered my respects (in the form of joss sticks) to my grandma, first time since the funeral. I'm quite a dick i know, but she's already gone, and it's not like I don't think of her.
Realised that a patchwork blanket actually alot of blessings. My grandma made me one when I was really young. It's so nice and comfy, and it's my only blanket since I can't remember how long ago. I really miss her...
Anyway, back to business, the sun's back and i'm loving it. Talking about lovin it, i finally remembered wat I really rreaaly wanted to write about in this entry. Kinda lame to have read so much with my tiny font to discover that the above is not the main topic. I was trying to recall.
Yup, I love the Fan-tastic campaign that's ongoing. Macdonald's really good to have done it again. I really love the hip-hop dancing and the Chi Fan Le Ma slongan. So cool. I really love watching break dancing man, hope to learn some hip-hop, not break dancing. But I'm getting to old. Anyway, you guys must be thinking that i eat the Fantastic burgers everyday. Fact: I've never tried it yet. Never did today, but yah, had something else i had to buy.
Chi Fan Le Ma?
Saturday, January 14, 2006
I'm formatting my comp. Haven't done it in so long. The disc feels to totally screwed up. Hopefully, the damn ghost program works well., then i don't have much trouble.
Anyway, in case you peeps don't see me online for the next few days, it problably means my damn comp it dead somehow or other. Today is one of those days that I feel like doing up the comp. So ya...
Spent a great day with darling today. Met her a TM for shopping first, was supposed to only meet Doris to buy darling's stuff at staff price, but it ended up as a full scale shopping trip cos I needed to get new tops and my mum gave me money to buy stuff anyway, I really like a pair of Converse shoes, but, doesn't don't think it's nice and that I shouldn't over spend. Considering the amt of spendings lined up, I decided to hold the thot, until my pair of shoes screw up. Bought 3 tops, 2 Levi's (20% at Metro!!!) and a Converse Tee (very nice). That converse tee has a girl version, which darling also bought. So that's a couple attire, same design, different feel, so that it won't feel like seeing double for others. Btw, I had to go over to Sengkang point (yes, I know it's freaking compass point) to buy the guy's shirt. it's sold out almost everywhere else. I guess only ulu outlets still have bah. Sengkang point seriously ulu siah...
Ate the best fish noodle in SG after Sengkang point. Then we rented Deuce Bigalow European Gigalo to watch. I found it to be a disapoointment, not as good as the first one, but still funny. The Adam Sandler cameo was cute also.
Did you know, in all Rob Snider and Adam Sandler shows, they'll do cameos for one another? It's like the thing they've been doing since the beginning. And during the earlier shows, they'll go (with a weird accent) "Cut off his fucking dick!"
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
Fuck... I want to go for overseas attachment...
But i'm not fucking chosen cos of my lousy results, what the fuck...
Sigh. Shit happens...
Saturday, January 07, 2006
I'm feeling so bored now.
Nothing to do siah... I want to do something, I want to watch Narnia. I want to play mahjong, to avenge the lost from yesterday. Xiuping and gang went to JB today. I so want to go along. But I have plans to go shopping with Evil Clan later. But hor... I don't feel like going out with a bunch of girls who're going to end up shopping for their own stuff after all. I want to go and buy my own Chinese New Year stuff. But then again, I'm not doing new year with my extended family this year. So yah, don't know leh... For those wondering why no new year, my grandma passed away last year mah, it's a chinese tradition to mourne for her. But hor, point is, she's a maternal side grandma, my father say don't have to stick to it. Also, usually, my CNY is spent at my (late) grandma's place, so this year, it'll just be a gathering, no so much of a celebrate there on the first day of CNY. But my parents say, out of the Sengkang flat, it'll still be normal CNY. Even my mum telling me to buy new year clothes. Thought I have a good excuse to not spend money to buy new clothes.
Kind of a weird paragraph above. Still thinking if I should pang seh the girls and slack my day away. Relaxing... Meeting at 3. It's 2.16pm now. But hey! Even if I get dressed up now, and get there on time, I'll still be the first person there. And will have to wait for at least half an hour to get moving. So i'll be smart and reach half an hour late. Then, maybe I don't have to wait that long, but then again... I don't know if i should go...
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
New Year's Eve Countdown was a failur.
Stupid Father Flan's DJ was sleeping. Sigh, started count down at 5. Duh... But still, it was a fun night out minus the crowd and long long long bus wait. And no cabs. SMRT should just extend the train services until like 4.30am. Can earn so much money, don't know why they don't want to earn. Just charge like 3 bucks per trip loh. Anyway... These are some photos... Lindy still haven't sent me hers...
Group Photo



Lindy and Lynette's cute guy.

Esplanade Underpass

Chicks with floating balls

Makan already!